Public Extensions of CCO

Public Extensions of CCO

#Project Leveraging CCOProject Description
Additive Manufacturing and Maintenance Operations OntologyOntology for additive manufacturing and maintenance operations.
Aditive Manufacturing OntologyAMOntology describes entities that capture knowledge about characteristics of computational models for AM processes.
AM-CDM-Ontology-MapMapping of Additive Manufacturing Common Data Model (AM-CDM) to CCO.
Battery Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure OntologySlim ontology extending from the Open Energy Ontology to represent electric battery charging.
Bayesian Verification Ontology StackModular ontology stack that supports a semantic approach to digital engineering.
BioregistryCommunity-driven meta-registry of life science databases, ontologies, and other resources.
BWMD Domain OntologyRepresents domain-specific information for BWMD applications.
BWMD Mid-Level OntologyA mid-level ontology for BWMD applications.
BWMD Original Non-Modularized OntologyThe original, non-modularized version of the BWMD ontology.
Cognitive Process OntologyConsists of terms representing cognitive processes – kinds of mental processes – used by intelligence analysts.
Critical Minerals OntologyFormally models the knowledge about the critical mineral systems.
Cyber Information OntologyRepresents cyber information, reliability, warrant, and transmission protocols.
Datarec projectDataset search engine leveraging ontologies to predicts relevant datasets for a user's input.
Data Set Knowledge Graph (DSKG)RDF knowledge graph for Datasets.
Devices, Experimental scaffolds and Biomaterials OntologyRepresents information about devices, experimental scaffolds, and biomaterials.
Digital Engineering Framework for Integration and Interoperability (DEFII)Framework for incorporating semantic web technologies into engineering design and analysis tasks.
Digital Twin OntologyBFO and CCO-based foundation for digital twin phenomena.
DISERTOSemantics-based Tool for Automatic and Virtual Data Integration.
European Materials Modelling OntologyRepresents concepts and relationships in European materials modeling.
Framework for Semantic Contextualization of IndicatorsIntegrates the ISO/IEC 11179 metadata registry standard with CCO.
Geoscience Knowledgebase (GeoKB)Framework for assembling, organizing, growing, and reasoning (AI) knowledge about the earth system.
GC Data Ecosystem OntologyOntology for data relevant to the Government of Canada.
HUMEBBN's machine reading system with support from DARPA World Modelers and Causal Exploration programs.
Industrial Ontology CoreRepresents mid-level terms for industrial manufacturing and services.
Industry Skills and Professions Ontology (ISPO)Part of an ontology network connecting BFO and the Agent Ontology module of CCO to represent skills.
Integrated Ontology SuiteDesigned to represent shared understanding of ground vehicle system simulations.
Intelligent Team Building Recommendation SystemA team building recommender system for researchers who have similar overlapping research interests and can collaborate to work on a particular problemstatement.
Joint Doctrine OntologyRepresents joint doctrine to provide shared computer-accessible content valid for any field of military endeavor, organization, and information system.
Laser Powder Bed Fusion OntologyRepresents processes and concepts specific to laser powder bed fusion technology.
Mat-O-Lab container ontologyRepresents container-specific information in Mat-O-Lab applications.
Material Properties Annotation properties including Dublin CoreAnnotation properties for material properties, including those from Dublin Core.
Material Science and Engineering OntologyA comprehensive ontology for material science and engineering.
Materials And Molecules Basic OntologyRepresents basic concepts and relationships in materials and molecules.
Materials Data Science OntologyRepresents concepts and relationships specific to materials data science.
Materials Data VocabularyVocabulary for materials data.
Materials Design OntologyRepresents concepts and relationships in materials design.
Materials Mechanics OntologyRepresents concepts and relationships in the mechanics of materials.
Materials MineA repository of materials data and related ontologies.
MatoLab Brinell Test OntologyRepresents information specific to Brinell hardness tests in Mat-O-Lab applications.
Matolab Tensile Test OntologyRepresents information specific to tensile tests in Mat-O-Lab applications.
MatOnto OntologyRepresents comprehensive concepts in material ontology.
Maintenance Strategy Selection and Assessment (OMSSA)Formal terminology framework in maintenance strategies that can be used to develop smart computational agents.
Mechanical testing ontologyRepresents concepts and processes in mechanical testing.
Military Ranks OntologyOntology of military ranks and the authority roles, duties and responsibilities associated with those ranks.
Mobile Blood Collection OntologyModular suite of ontologies that formalize the mobile blood collection process.
Modular Environmental Monitoring Ontology (MEMOn)Domain ontology built as a promising solution for the semantic interoperability between resources (human, data, software) in environmental monitoring domain.
Mydata ontologyExtension of the Common Core Ontologies that provides a standardized extensible semantics for representing personal data.
Neural Network Event ExtractionLeveraging event ontology module of CCO to NN extraction.
NLP RankingUsed to rank universities based on their NLP publications on ACL Anthology.
Ontology of Commercial Exchange (OCE)Designed to represent aspects of human social behavior involving purchasing, selling, marketing, and so forth.
Ontology of Plays for Teaming and Collaboration (OPTaC)Domain-level ontology for the facilitation of play-based collaborative autonomy among unmanned and manned-unmanned aircraft.
Ontology of RelevanceDesigned to represent and distinguish inferential and prescriptive relevance.
Operational Environment OntologyRepresents concepts and processes in mechanical testing.
Orbital Verification Ontology StackSet of ontologies supporting orbital analysis and requirement verification.
POLARISC OntologyDefines the Knowledge of French emergency responders who are involved in the disaster response process.
Pizza Ontology ProjectProject space for learning ontology engineering regarding pizzas.
Product Life Cycle OntologiesOntology suite representing manufacturing product life cycles.
PROVO-CCO MappingMapping between PROVO and CCO.
Rare-Earth Elements (REE) OntologyFormalizes the interactions among the members of various magmatic, hydrothermal, basinal, regolith, and supergene subsystems.
Regulatory Basis for Informed Consent (RUBRIC)Ontology representing informed consent concepts.
Roxana OntologyOntology for formalisation of adaptive human-based processes in manufacturing.
Sciumo TechTechnology projects by Sciumo.
Solid Data Interoperability PanelPanel investigating data interoperability across applications while enabling secure collaboration and query using intuitive data boundaries.
Space Domain OntologiesOntologies representing phenomena relevant to the domain of space.
Standard GalacticStandard Galactic project on data interoperability.
Sustainable Development and Climate (SDC) OntologyFormalizes the sustainability impacts of implementations of actions, plans, strategies, and policies.
The KGC Knowledge GraphKnowledge Graph of the Knowledge Graph Conference.
The MatWerk ontologyRepresents comprehensive concepts in material work.
The PMD Core OntologyCore ontology for PMD applications.
Thin-film solar cell ontologyRepresents concepts and relationships in thin-film solar cell technology.
Typedb-schema-BFOUpper ontology, with mid- and domain-level ontologies ported to Grakn schemae.
User Profile OntologyProvides a standardized extensible semantics for representing information about a person’s profile.
University of Arizona Ontology StackLayered, modular ontology stack that supports digital engineering activities at the University of Arizona.
Virtual Materials Marketplace (VIMMP) OntologiesRepresents comprehensive concepts and relationships in the virtual materials marketplace.
Virus Infectious Disease OntologyRepresents epidemiology, classification, pathogenesis, and treatment of terms used by virologists, i.e. virus, prion, satellite, viroid, etc.
Wind Turbine ProjectRepresents wind turbine blade materials based on key performance parameters.